Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Judah's 4th Birthday

Well, the big day came and went....Judah's 4th birthday!  We had been talking to Judah about his 4th birthday for about a month, and he was waiting with anticipation for his "dinosaur party", which he had requested.  Judah had a wonderful birthday day, thanks especially to all the friends and family who came to celebrate with us! 

It is hard to believe four short years have already passed since our firstborn entered our lives.  I would say this past year we have seen tons of developmental changes in Judah.  When I look back at pictures when he was a new three-year-old, he seems SO much older now, and I am reminded how much he has really changed in one year.  Along with all the positive developments, I would also add that this past year has been our most challenging with Judah, so I am not all that sad to say goodbye to the "threes" (no tears shed by this mama). :)  Well, we never had the "terrible twos", so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. :) 

Judah continues to be a goofy energetic boy who keeps us on our toes.  I would describe him as lively, smiley, impulsive, physical, sensitive, and funny.  He brings us smiles and laughter every day, and he is at the stage now where he says things that crack us up.  He loves to "tickle" and wrestle, watch some of his favorite shows, and play outside (specifically any kind of sports related activity).  His likes include: dinosaurs, construction vehicles, sports, Thomas the Train, Bob The Builder, and most recently Toy Story characters (Woody, Buzz, etc..).  He also likes music and has continued in his Kindermusik class that Grammie takes him to.  I would say that Judah has not been very interested in craft activities including coloring, but has very recently showed more interest in this area (well, at least he will now sit and color a picture verses just drawing a couple lines). 

I would say he is a pickier eater.  He likes chicken, fruit, and some veggies, and he loves to chew on ice or ice chips (thanks to Grammie), but he is not a big fan of dairy in general (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc.).  He had been complaining about his stomach hurting quite a bit recently, and I really cut back on the dairy I was giving him, and he has not complained much about his stomach since then, so it is possible that he might have some lactose intolerance.     

Here are some pictures from his dino party.  Warning: there are lots!  I still don't know how to make collages of pictures, so I have to post them one at a time...sorry. :)  The party was a hit, and Judah had a great time!
The Details:

The invitations I made

Birthday banner I made

Kids coloring station

Goodie bags for the kiddos

I had to take a picture of my proud creation (thanks to Pinterest)...our birthday wreath!  It took me a while to do it, but I totally love it!  This puppy will be coming out every year on birthdays. :) 

The Food:


 The Birthday Boy:

 The Festivities:
For a game, we did a "dino egg hunt".  I was sooo happy that the weather was nice on Judah's birthday (which rarely happens), so we were able to do this outside! 

"Happy Birthday to YOU!"

I LOVE the expressions of the kids in the background on this one. :)

It's present time!

We are so blessed to be the parents of this little guy!  Happy Birthday, Judah "buddy"...we love you!

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