Tuesday, April 16, 2013

30 Weeks

Woo hoo!  Thirty weeks down...10 to go!  I call this the "home stretch" (I guess both literally and figuratively). :)  I am started to get more excited now that I feel there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I have not enjoyed being pregnant as much this time around.  I really have no major complaints, just the everyday limitations and wear that being pregnant brings.  As a matter of fact, I would so much rather be taking care of a newborn than go through a pregnancy.

But, all-in-all, this has been a fairly similar pregnancy to the other two.  Cravings have lessened a bit.  Oh, and my heartburn has swung into full effect.....like, with a vengeance (you know, shortly after my last pregnancy post where I said that my heartburn wasn't that bad).  Um, yeah.  It's as if my heartburn read my last pregnancy blog post and said, "I'll show her!".  As a matter of fact, the ol' tried and true Tums don't even help me all that much, so I am taking some over the counter stuff that is more effective.  Also, the baby's movements seem more pronounced now than they did during my last update.  It is not uncommon for me to see my belly bouncing around as he moves during the day.  His movements can sometimes be more spazmatic or sudden and quick, but nothing painful at all.  So far, he likes to be more active in the evening (no surprise there since that is when I am relaxing the most), sometimes the middle of the night, and the morning. 

Someone recently asked me if I had started "nesting" yet.  Ha-what's that!  Seriously, by the third time around, I am so laid back about preparation of any kind.  Oh, wait...there is a baby coming soon?  Hmmm...probably should start thinking about that, shouldn't I.  As a matter of fact, I just said to Eric the other day, "You know, we only have 10 weeks to find a minivan.  We should probably start thinking about that."  He was like, "Oh.....right."  We do still need to get a dresser for the baby's clothes and some little odds and ends (diapers, pacifiers, etc).  I talked to a lady at my church who just had her fourth and she told me that she didn't even start thinking about getting things ready for her baby until about a week or two before her due date, so I don't feel so bad. :) 

I am getting more and more excited to meet our little guy.  He really already feels like part of our family.  I have no anxiety about labor or even having a newborn yet (maybe I should); I am just excited to have him home with us this summer.                        

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