Friday, April 5, 2013

Eden turns 2!

Our little girl is 2!!  We had a more low-key family birthday for Eden this year, since she had the big birthday party last year (and it was Judah's turn this year).  She had a fun day home with mommy and Judah, and then daddy and Grandparents joined us in the evening for pizza and presents. 

Eden is a crack-up.  She has a fun-loving personality and likes to be goofy and silly.  She actually has different voices that she does sometimes to be funny.  She has a spunky side, but she is also sweet.  Eden likes to follow in her big brothers footsteps, so she is generally interested in doing what he likes to do.  That being said, she is also a girly girl, into her dolls, strollers, and other girly toys.  I think her favorite color is purple, because that is the first color that she learned, and she loves to point out when she sees anything purple.  She also likes pink as well.:)  She is a daddy's girl (although she also loves her mommy, too).  The other day, I asked her "Are you mommy's princess?" and she literally said, "No, Daddy's princess."  I couldn't believe it...what a stinker!  Currently, her favorite word is "no".  She says it in response to almost anything.  I can say "Hi, Eden" and she says "no".  We are working on saying "Yes, mommy" or "Okay, mommy" when I ask or tell her to do something, and she is catching on.   

Eden loves to dance and run around with her brother.  She especially likes when we have "dance parties".  She loves to "tickle" and wrestle.  She loves the outdoors.  She is also good at playing independently as well as with her brother.  Eden loves taking showers and water in general (just like her brother).  She doesn't mind getting water in her face or putting her face in the water. 

She likes to show off how she is a "ballerina" by putting one leg up in the air (super cute).  Some of her favorite foods are milk, cheese, chicken, and fruit.  She likes sweets, but she is not as much into them as her brother.  She also likes to chew on ice or ice chips, and frequently asks to do so (along with her brother).  She has been potty trained since about 21 months or so, and at this point, accidents are very rare and I can generally trust her to tell me when she has to go. 

We are beyond blessed to have this little girl as a part of our family!          

Happy to be 2 eating her birthday breakfast

This is how she shows you that she is 2 (pointing her 2 index fingers)

Birthday chair

Birthday door

A little coloring

Singing "happy birthday" to little girly

Blowing out the candle

It's present time!

Happy Birthday, Eden Elizabeth!  You are like a ray of sunshine to us, and we love you!

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