Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pink or Blue?

Well, today was our big ultrasound appointment!  Eric and I were so excited to see our baby for the first time (well, for the first time since he/she was the size of a bean).  We were equally as excited to find out the gender of the baby!  After all the measurements were taken, the ultrasound tech turned the screen around and showed us our baby’s legs, arms, and head.  What a wonder it is so see all those tiny, precious body parts.  When it came to seeing the gender, the tech showed us that the baby was sitting with his/her legs crossed which was making it difficult to really see anything.  For as much as the baby was moving around, he/she was not budging those legs!  So, after trying again and again, we were told that she was not able to get a good look at the gender.  The tech said that if she had to “guess”, she would say it was a girl, but also stated that the boy parts could just be hiding at the moment (due to the legs being crossed).  I think if I am being honest, I felt a bit disappointed that we couldn’t find out the gender.  I know that this is certainly not the most important part of the ultrasound appointment, but it is something that we were looking forward to.  I kind of felt a little like I had gone to a birthday party, but never got to have any cake.  Yes, the whole point of a birthday party is to celebrate the person whose birthday it is (and that is certainly the most important part), but everyone looks forward to the cake!  So, I have to keep things in perspective-our baby is healthy.  We were still blessed by seeing those sweet baby parts that are already so dear to us.  I am so thankful for these things!  So, for now, we don’t know if we are having a boy or girl, but we are so grateful for what God is doing in our lives as we wait for this precious life to grow.  And in case anyone is wondering, we aren’t giving up on the whole gender thing just yet…we plan to get another ultrasound in the very near future.  You know what “they” say…if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!


  1. Well this post and hope you are able to find out soon. I would feel the exact same way and am telling Baby Cathey that on Monday he/she better not cross his/her legs:) ha

  2. That's the attitude, Jenny! Tell this baby how its going to go...haha!
