Monday, July 7, 2014

Saugatuck 2014-Day 2

Judah came down with some kind of flu bug the morning of our second day in Saugatuck. He had no appetite, was tired, and would throw up if we gave him anything. He rested all morning, and we decided to go to the beach around lunchtime. We thought that Judah would just rest under our tent at the beach, but he got a burst of energy and spent some time in the water throwing the ball with Eric. It was a super windy day (as you will see in some of the pictures), but that didn't keep anyone from having fun. Once we got back to our place, Judah rested the rest of the day, Eric got take out for dinner, and Eden and I had fun blowing bubbles on the deck. Thankfully, Judah felt back to his normal self the next morning.

His hair is so funny in this one...little angel or...???

It doesn't get much cuter than this.

This was pretty typical-Judah in the water and Eden in the sand. Judah is definately our water boy. Eden likes the water too, but she preferred the sand most of the time only taking short trips to the water.

This was so cute. Every time Eric would hold Asher in the water, Asher would lay his head down on Eric's shoulder. He wasn't complaining, just laying sweet.

Eric and Judah would stand in the water and just throw a water ball back and forth.

Dancing in the sand

"Look what I have!"

Back at our place chillin' out-what a cutie!

Bubble girl!

Our poor big guy. This was where he was for the remainder of the day.

Eric and I enjoyed some evening time alone out on the deck after the kids went to bed.
Good stuff!

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