Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Three and a half

My little guy just turned 3 1/2!  Yikes, this is going quickly.  His personality, likes and dislikes are obviously more evident (and humerous) now that he is getting older, so I thought I would document some things about Judah at this age, mostly so I don't forget. :) 

Some Judah quotes/conversations from the last few months:

"Hi, buddy daddy!"

"Hey, what's this now?"

"Mom, what you do today?"

"Ready, set, three!"

"Mom, I want to cuddles."

"Eden, you're my girl."

(Me)-"Judah, what am I going to do with you?"  (Judah)-"Oh, mommy..." (with a smile)

(J)-"Mom, your my girl." (Me)-"Aw, Judah that's sweet." (J)-"Yeah, I'm good to you"

Upon seeing a woman on a TV-"I like her, she is beautiful." (Am I in trouble or what!)

Upon seeing a bra display at Kohls, Judah points and says, "Mom, we have those at home!"...then adds "for your tummy!"

Upon passing gas, he said "My poop sneezed."

As I was putting his underwear on, he turned around and said "See my cool bottom?"

When Eden spit up when she was younger, he would say "Eden spilled!"

He sometimes to refer to me as "honey". :) 

Other random facts:

Judah's top interests these days include dinosaurs and "constructions" (construction vehicles).  Sports would also make the list, specifically golf, basketball, and football.   

He likes to dip his food in anything, really.  He prefers mustard over ketchup (he gets that from me), but he will dip most anything (there have been some pretty gross combinations).  I recently caught him dipping his food in yogurt, his water, appelsauce...the list goes on.  As long as he can dip it, he will.  The most recent gross dipping combo was his peanut butter and jelly sandwich in ranch dressing....followed by a banana in his ranch dressing. 

His favorite place to eat is Panera.  Funny, I know.  If I ask him where he would like to go eat, the answer is always Panera.  He likes the broccolli cheddar soup and the bread it comes with (which of course, he dips in the soup). 

He lines his toys up...every day.  He lines all of his dinosaurs up in his room (usually right after he wakes up in the morning), and he lines all of his construction vehicles up downstairs at some point during the day.  And if I even bother to pick them up at some point during the day, he just gets them all back out and lines them up again. 

His favorite shows are "Super Why" and "Dinosaur Train", both on PBS kids. 

He is not in preschool this year, but he is taking a Kindermusik class once a week.  He is also in Awana one night a week.  He was hesitant when starting both "classes", but now really enjoys them. 

I have noticed that he is a tactile/sensory child.  He learns or gets to know something by touching.  When I am showing him something, he commonly asks "Can I touch it?" or "Can I hold it?" 

Here he is lining all his trucks up. :)


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