Thursday, October 4, 2012

18 Months

It seems like everyone is just getting older around here....wait, is that supposed to happen? :)  Well, Eden just turned 18 months!  My sweet little girly is already getting so big, and it seems that it is going faster with her then it did with Judah when he was her age (sigh).  So, I thought I would document some of the funny things that she is doing these days while it is fresh in my memory.

Eden cracks us up all the time.  She really brings a smile to our faces daily!  She is more and more expressive these days with her big smile, jibber jabber, and facial expressions.  

She understands everything (or so it seems)!  She knows what we are talking about even if we don't think she understands.  The other night, Judah was eating an ice cream bar after dinner (not a regular occurance in our house), and I was upstairs getting Eden ready for bed.  Judah yelled up to me, "Mom, I'm eating an ice cream bar!".  Eden looked at me with this look of concern on her face, pointed to herself, and gave me the sign for "more".  She was telling me that she wanted an ice crean bar, too!  How in the world did she know what that was?  She continued to be upset until I took her downstairs and gave her a "bite" of ice cream.  She even understands Judah when he gives her direction/asks her to do something.  It is amazing how much she understands. 

She is a tough cookie.  This is probably a result from being handled by her older brother, but she rarely cries when it comes to falling down.  She will typically only cry if she is really hurt.

She knows what she wants and she is going to make sure you know, too.  She can be pretty whiny and vocal when she is set on something she wants until she gets it.  I will add, though, that when we tell her no, she will cry for a tad, and then she usually moves on.

She likes to eat.  She can be picky about food, but she likes to eat.  Most of the time, she eats more than I do.  I think she would eat around the clock if I let her.  It doesn't matter if she ate lunch an hour ago, if she sees me going to the pantry or opening the refrigerator door, she is right there pointing at something and whining for me to give it to her. 

She is a good listener, for the most part, which is really nice.  Usually, if she is getting into something I don't want her to, I can say "No, Eden" firmly, and she will walk away.  I think she is more sensitive about this than her brother.  

She loves her brother.  She is so excited to see him in the really is very cute.  She likes to do what he does.  If he is playing with something, she likes to join in.  She and Judah are at the point where I can leave them to alone to play together while I am doing something else. 

Her teeth seem to be coming in all at once, but she doesn't seem to complain a whole lot about it.  I think there are currently about three or four teeth popping through (at least).  It seems when I see that a new tooth has come in, there is another one I find!  I think she probably has about 13 teeth or so at this point. 

Books, books, books.  Books are by far her favorite thing.  She is always carrying a book around with her or entertaining herself by sitting in a chair and "reading" or bringing a book to me so that I can read it to her.  Her favorite books at this point seem to be "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb".

She waves her hands back and forth frantically when she is excited about something.

She gets super excited to see Eric when he gets home.  She runs to the back door when she hears that he is home, and she lifts her arms up to give him a hello hug.

When she walks, she shakes her rear end.  It is really funny.  We sometimes call her "swivel hips" (got that from my dad), because her hips swing from side to side when she walks.

Her vocabulary is not extensive yet, but some of the things she says regularly include:    

"Hi, Da" (to Eric when he comes home from work). 

"Mama" and "Dayi" (for daddy)

She said "Grandad" for the first time a few days ago

"Bye" (which sounds more like "Bi-yee")

"Nana" (for banana)

"Ni-ni" (for night, night)




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