Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Potty Time

Well, I am so very happy to announce that we have a potty trained little boy in our house. :)  I had been putting off potty training because, well....quite honestly, I was terrified.  I have heard tons and tons of awful potty training stories, and I just wasn't ready to deal with all of that.  In addition, we had been told by many people that potty training is one of those things that you want to wait for until your child is "ready" (expresses an interest in it).  I would say that this piece of advice was super helpful, and I would tell this to any other mom out there, especially if we are talking about boys. 

Eric and I decided that we were going to wait until Judah expressed interest in going to the potty on the potty.  We talked about it with Judah a bunch (how big boys don't wear diapers and they put their pee and poop in the potty), and we would even ask him if he wanted to try, and he would always decline.  However, in the last couple months, Judah had started asking to go on the potty when I would go.  He never actually went, but I took this as a sign that he was interested.  So, we put a "start" date on the calendar, and we talked about it a bunch.  We went to the thrift store and I found a bin of dinosaurs, and I told Judah that he could have them once he started actually going potty on the potty.  He also got to pick out his own underwear (which ended up being Thomas the Train), and we talked a lot about keeping Thomas dry, which he seemed to like.   

The first week was a bit rough.  Of course, there were lots of accidents (to be expected), and I almost wanted to give up, but friends told me whatever I do, don't give up and keep going with it.  Well, that was also great advice.  After the first week, Judah caught on like a pro.  Seriously, I am sooo proud of him.  He not only understands that he does not pee and poop in his underwear, but he can actually tell me when he has to go (which I was told typically takes a while).  He has not had an accident in quite a while, which is amazing!  We still put him in a diaper/pull-up for naps and bedtime, but he even will sometimes come to us after we have put a pull-up on and tell us that he has to go to the potty.  We are so proud of our big boy (and he seems pretty proud of himself, too)!


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