Saturday, August 3, 2013

Asher 1 Month

Yay-we survived one month with three kids! :)  Oh, I mean, yay-Asher is one month old! :)  Seriously, it is true that having three is an adjustment BUT we wouldn't have it any other way.  In many ways, it seems like Asher has always been a part of our family.

Judah loves his little brother tons.  He is constantly asking to kiss his head, and he is always saying, "Mom, I love my little brother Asher."  Super cute.  Eden also gets excited about her new little brother and sometimes refers to him as "my baby Asher".  That being said, I think she has had the hardest time adjusting.  She is more attached to me and is more emotional than he used to be.  She typically wants me to do things for her, and if Eric takes over to help, she typically cries/gets upset.  She has also had some potty accidents in the past month, which is a new thing.  I am really looking forward to Judah starting school in the fall, as it will give me some more focused time with Eden.  Overall, the kids are doing well, and are very happy about their new little bro.   

Asher is a fairly content baby, and typically only gets fussy when he is tired, hungry, or gassy.  He is a very gassy baby; he is commonly grunting or red-faced, poor guy.  He has a reddish tint to his hair in the sunlight, but it is harder to see indoors.  He also spits up a bit, which is something the other two didn't do too much.  Right now, he has tons of baby acne.  All three of our kids had baby acne, but Asher has had it the worst.  He not only has it on his face, but on his chest, arms, back, and even his ears!  Good thing he doesn't care. :) 

I think he has grown tons this first four weeks, but we won't know how much until his two month appointment.  At his two week appointment, he was 9 pounds 1 ounce.  He is getting so much bigger to me, and he fills out three month clothes very nicely.  His nicknames include: "Asher Loo" (the kids and I call him this sometimes, but Eric is not a fan of this one), "Asher T" (as Eric calls him), and every once in a while "Sir Toots-a-Lot". :) 

I have started to see a smile or two in response to my facial expressions to him, but I hope to see more frequent smiles in the coming weeks!  He did smile at the fan earlier today, so maybe it's not me. :)  Asher tends to be up in the evening until midnight, which has been challenging.  He is wide awake and does not want to lay down to go to sleep, so we are hoping that this phase changes in the near future. 

We love our sweet Asher more than words, and we are thrilled that he is part of our family!



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