Sunday, March 20, 2011

My little helper

In recent months, Judah has become quite the little helper.  I have noticed that he sometimes puts his toys or books away without being prompted.  He also sometimes finds “garbage” lying around the house (tissues, wrappers, etc.), and will throw them away in the garbage can for me.  I'm always surprised that he somehow always knows what needs to be thrown away and what does not.  Just the other day, he saw me loading laundry in the washer, and decided to come over and “help” me by handing me the articles of clothing until the basket was empty...totally unprompted.  I couldn’t believe it!  Then, after that, he saw me unloading the dishwasher and proceeded to help by handing me all the dishes individually (top and bottom rack) until I put all the dishes away.  He even pushed the racks back in and closed the dishwasher when we were done.  He cracks me up.  As moms know, it takes twice the time to get something done when your toddler is helping, but I didn’t mind at all.  I’m just hoping that this is a good sign of things to come.      

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