Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thoughts on Christmas

Christmas is arguably one of the most important times of the year.  Its meaning embodies the hope that we have.  God’s perfect Son was sent to earth to become the solution for mankind. We had no hope of change, no hope of overcoming sin, no hope of forgiveness, and no hope of heaven.  But because of Jesus’ birth and death, now we do.  Imagine, the God of the universe becoming a baby, needing his parents to feed him and change his diaper.  The same Mighty God who can make mountains crumble with just one word needed to be held and rocked to sleep by His parents-the very people He created.  He chose to enter the world helpless, subjecting Himself to the laws of nature-the very laws He put into place.  It’s so amazing.  So, I have been trying to take time to reflect on the ultimate divine blessing that this holiday represents.  How do we honor God at Christmastime?  How do we say thank you?  Here are my thoughts:
1.  Don’t get distracted.  There is so much going on at Christmas for many of us.  Plans are being made, presents are being bought, and parties are being held.  There are so many things vying for our time and attention.  These things are not wrong to do, and, in fact, they are part of what makes this time of year so enjoyable.  But they can be distracting and take away from the time and energy that we could spend reflecting on what is really important about this time of year.  One way that I have tried to minimize distractions this year is by getting most of my Christmas shopping done early so that during the month of December, I can have more time to focus on more important things.  
2.  Take time to remember.  This is kind of linked to the previous point, but I wanted to stress the importance of being intentional about remembering Jesus at Christmas.  In other words, find ways to help you remember what Christmas is all about.   It could be something that you do as a family to actively keep Christ the focus of Christmas, like finding a verse to focus on during the month.  It could be something as simple as having a focal point in your house, like a manger scene, that is a constant visual reminder.  Maybe it’s going through an advent calendar, reading through different parts of the Christmas story, giving Jesus a birthday present, or having family devotions that focus on Christ’s birth.  Many times, these things can turn into family traditions that you and your kids can look forward to every year.  We are still figuring this out at our house, but it is something that we look forward to developing as our family grows.
3.  Tell Him thank you.  This is so simple to do, but how many times have I forgotten to utter a simple genuine prayer to God thanking Him for the gift of His Son?  I want to make it a point this year to thank Him as often as I can, remembering that it is because of His gift that I have the promise of life.                     
4.  Give back.  One way that we reflect and remember God's goodness is by giving to others.  God is a generous God.  He is the ultimate good Gift Giver (James 1:17), and He loves giving good things to His children.  It is one way that He shows His care for us, and it is one way for us to show others that we have a generous Father.  Of course, this includes giving gifts to our family, but it doesn't have to stop there.  Maybe find a cause or another family that you would like to donate to or help.  Maybe it is a family who can't afford gifts for their kids, or an organization that helps support orphans in other countries.  There are a million ways to give, and what a way to honor our Heavenly Father by showing Him that we care for others and want to be generous with what He has given us.

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