Monday, December 20, 2010

A Mother's Perspective

I just love having a little boy at Christmas.  It is such a sweet tangible reminder to me of how Jesus came to us as a little boy.  It’s a reminder of Jesus’ humanity.  I watch all the little funny things Judah does and wonder if Jesus did similar things as a child.  As a mother of a boy, I can’t help but think that Mary must have looked at Jesus and felt the same way that I do about my son.  Did she think that his smile was the sweetest thing she had ever seen?  Did she feel so proud of him even though he was just a small child?  Did she find even the smallest things so endearing to her?  I can’t imagine what it was like for Jesus’ parents, knowing that their son was never really theirs, but they were his parents just the same. 

As his mother kissed his sweet brow, did she know that it would one day it would be pierced with a crown of thorns? 

As she held his tiny hands, did she know that they would one day perform miracles and heal the sick? 

As she tickled his feet, did she know that they would one day have nails driven through them? 

Did she know that the body she held would one day be broken for her…and for me? 

I doubt that she was thinking about all these things as she held her tiny baby.  Most likely, she was just enjoying her newborn, as new moms do, marveling at the true miracle that his birth was.  This is such a sweet picture to me-a mother and her little boy.  And being a mother makes that picture so much more real to me.  I hope I never lose sight of the reality that took place so long ago in a lonely stable.  Thank you Jesus for coming to us in the most humble way possible, as a baby, reminding us that you were one of us, that you identify with us, and that you truly love us.

“God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem hose who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:5  

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