Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Night Before

So, it looks like this baby is holding out for an induction tomorrow morning.  I will be a week past my due date, and after talking about it with my doctor, we decided that induction at 41 weeks is the good solution.  I was really hoping to go naturally before hitting the 41 week mark, but it was not meant to be.  Apparently, I have a very comfy uterus. :)  This time around, I have asked my doctor to take a more "natural" route for induction, since I would like to avoid Pitocin if at all possible, so he agreed that he will be breaking my bag of water to start the labor process instead of starting with meds.  So, we will see how this all works out. 

I will say that there is something kind of neat about knowing when you are heading to the hospital to have your baby.  Eric and I are able to plan for things easier and prepare.  Like tonight we were able to get a bunch of things done around the house, knowing that we will be a tad preoccupied in the coming days.  We were able to savor this time with Judah and Eden, knowing that tomorrow things will be different from now on.  We were able to savor our last walk around the block as a family of four.  We were able to talk to the kids about what will be happening tomorrow.  I was rocking Eden before bed tonight, and I was telling her that tonight is her last night as the "baby" of the family.  I was able to savor that moment with her.  It even seemed like she understood what I was saying as she kept saying the baby's name over and over again followed by "coming tomorrow".  I was struck by the fact that this time with my kids has been so precious while at the same time I feel like this new baby is part of our family already.  God is so good.  I have no idea why we had to wait a week past my due date to meet this little guy, but it doesn't really matter, does it.  God is so good to us.  He has given us such a gift in the family that he has established for us regardless of timing or convenience.  We trust His way over ours, always.  What a comfort we have in Him-in His love and care for us.  It's in moments like these that I am really struck by it all-His timing, His abundant and perfect love, His goodness.       

We will go to bed tonight maybe a little nervous and anxious (and excited) about what tomorrow holds, but so grateful to experience the amazing love of God on our family (yet again) as we bring forth a new life and see his handiwork in our newborn son.   

Just a few of my thoughts, the night before. :)          

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