Saturday, March 2, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Last weekend, Judah finally got his official big boy bed!  We had been waiting to find out the sex of the baby to determine what kind of bed we would buy for Judah, and since he will be eventually sharing a room with a brother, bunk beds it is. :)  We only put up one of the beds for him right now since he doesn't currently need both beds, but we will have them for the boys when the time comes.  Judah was VERY excited to get his new bed, and he has loved sleeping in it.  He has said things like, "This is the best bed ever" or "This is such a comfy bed".  I even put up a couple new things in his room to go with his cars and trucks beadspread, which he also thought was fun.  After I decorated his room with a few things, he came out and said, "Mom, it's like a party in my room!". :)