Wednesday, March 6, 2013

24 weeks

Well, time is flying through this pregnancy over here.  I can't believe that I am 6 months already.  I really need to get my act together and have Eric take a picture...yikes!  I read that the baby is about a foot long (and it feels that way, too).  Some heartburn has started at this stage (typical of my pregnancies).  Eric recently felt the baby moving, which was fun.  It was especially neat because as soon as Eric put his hand on my stomach, the baby started really kicking right where Eric's hand was!  Eric said that the baby was saying hi to him. :) 

I think the baby has an official first name (we refer to him by that name at home), but we won't announce it until he is born.  It has been neat to see Judah ask about his "baby brother" or refer to him more now.  Just today, I started taking out some of Judah's baby clothes to see what I had for the new baby, and Judah had fun looking through the clothes with me telling me what his baby brother will like to wear.  He specifically thought that anything with diggers or dinosaurs on it would be a hit. :) 

I think I just hit a growth spurt because I feel like my stomach is humongous!  I'm not sure how this is going to look by week 40. :)  Cravings are pretty much the same, although I have noticed that I have to eat smaller meals throughout the day because I get full quicker.

I'll try to get a pic up soon!         


  1. So excited for you guys:) Miss not seeing you at the Elgin Campus anymore.

  2. Thank you! We are excited. :) Miss seeing you guys, too. :( Congratulations on the beautiful new house, and I love the recent pics that Sylver took of your girls. They are adorable!
