Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

What a blessing it is to be called "mother".  It is sometimes hard to have that perspective on a daily basis when all you feel like you are doing is dealing with a cranky toddler, soothing a crying baby, or changing a poopy diaper.  Mother's Day is the perfect reminder of the blessing that motherhood truly is.  This is also a reminder to me of how good God is and how he has given me the desire of my heart, to be a mother someday.  And this is also a day to celebrate our own mothers who have sacrificed for us and loved us unconditionally. 

Thank you, Judah and Eden, for making me a mommy.  Your smiles light up my day, and you are truly gifts from God.  I love you. 

Thank you, mom, for loving me when I was not loveable, and for being such an example of a Godly mother.  I am so grateful that God made you my mother. 

Thank you, God, for blessing me by giving me two precious children, made by your hand specifically for me.  I am unworthy of these gifts, but am so grateful that you gave anyway, not because I deserve to receive them, but because this is just one of the ways that you have chosen to love me.

Here are some pictures of my Mother's Day!

Three generations

 Judah spent some time playing ball outside with Eric and Uncle Abe.  Here are some action shots.
 Waiting to catch the ball

 He's been practicing his throwing

 Playing with Uncle Abe
 Pretty girl....she did not play ball :)
 Four generations of ladies in our family

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