Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baby Girl

Eric and I went to get a 3D/4D ultrasound of our baby girl today.  We had done this with Judah when I was pregnant with him, and it was a fun experience, so we thought we would do it again for baby girl.  We also thought that it might be a fun experience for Judah to "see" his little sister.  Of course, when we got there, she was asleep and had half of her face up against the uterine wall, which made it difficult to get a decent picture, and Judah was not the least bit interested in sitting still.  We tried to get her to move with little success, but we did get a few pictures.  I remember that we had the same problem getting a good picture of Judah, too.  We did see that she has chubby cheeks (already) as well as hair.  We also saw her sucking her thumb, which was cute. 

Here are two pictures of Judah's 3D/4D ultrasound to compare, but his was about 6 weeks earlier than hers was, so you can definately see that she has a little more "meat" on her. 



  1. oh she is beautiful. can't wait to meet her!! i am sure you are even more excited about that :) judah's pics really look like him at birth....crazy. technology can be so neat.

  2. Yes, we thought so too! :) It is pretty crazy what technology can see and do! So fun.
