Friday, January 12, 2018

The Kids Lately

 At the beginning of January, Eden lost her two front teeth (yay!). We didn't quite make it in time for Christmas, but we were close. I absolutely love the look of when they loose their two front's so cute (at least I think so). She also loves to wear her pink glasses, which are not real, but she likes the look of them. :) I should also add that she loves to wear my shoes around the house. I don't have a photo of this, but almost daily she goes into my closet, and finds a pair to wear around the house. I actually have memories of wearing my mother's shoes around the house for dress-up, so I think it's fun that she's doing the same thing.

She wanted to look like an "old lady"

This was Eden one year ago (January), when she lost her very first tooth!

Judah is our outside boy for sure. He asks multiple times a week if daddy (or mommy) will throw the ball with him or shoot hoops. This makes winter pretty hard for him. He LOVES to be outside and play anything sport related (especially with daddy). So, whenever the winter weather is decent, I try to send him outside. As he has gotten older, his love for sports has grown, whether it's watching or playing.

As for Asher, well, this boy is one-of-a-kind for sure. He absolutely LOVES legos and Star Wars (this started when he was 2!). I've never seen a kid this age spend so much of his free time on building Legos. He has his Lego creations everywhere. He builds so many things, and he wants to keep them up so he can play with them (I never though I would dream of a Lego room, but I certainly do now). Judah set up scenes when he was this age as well, but it was more with a variety of things (dinosaurs, action figures, Legos, army guys, etc.). Asher spends so much focused time getting all of his details right (um, can we say Eric?), and he knows where every little piece is supposed to go. He says he wants to be a "builder" when he grows up, and I think that fits the bill.  

This is one of the shelves in his room

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