Saturday, October 24, 2015

Judah's Soccer

Here are a few photos of Judah's most recent soccer game. I haven't made some of his most recent games, because it can be really chilly out for those early Saturday morning games, so sometimes it's easier if Eric just goes with Judah, and I stay home with the two littles. I did, however, go to his most recent game and decided to take some pics. I think we would say that soccer is not Judah's "thing", but he has had a lot of fun learning to play and be part of a team. His favorite position is golie since it doesn't involve a lot of running back and forth. :) We are so proud of our big boy for trying hard-go Judah!

Judah is number 9, which is a tad confusing because there is also another number 9 on his team. If you are wondering which one Judah is, he is the giant boy who is a head taller than all the others. :)

On defense

Waving hi to his mama

still on defense waiting for the ball

Judah's face in this picture is great

Here is Judah playing golie. Less than one minute after I took this picture, he walked off the field and threw up. That's right...threw up. We still have no idea if it was something he ate, if it was too much running after breakfast, or if it was a brief sickness. Suffice to say, we headed home to take it easy. Ah, never a dull moment.

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