Wednesday, January 23, 2013

21 Months

I wanted to write a quick post on Eden at 21 months, since these months are flying by!  I can hardly believe that she is well on her way to 2.  Eden continues to be such a joy and brings a smile to our face constantly.  She is very expressive and her vocabulary is expanding at a fast pace!  She can say so many more words than she could at 18 months (three months can really make a difference).  Her vocabulary has expanded to include words like: show, toot, all done, up, down, potty, pee pee, baby, choo choo, shoes, hat, socks, open (or "ope"), please, teeth, toes, nose, keys, bite, show, Bible, juice, help, book, brush, phone, ball, hoop, apple, orange and tatoo (or "tat"...don't ask) to name a few. :)  She can also put two words together like "uh-oh, mama", "bye bye daddy", etc.  She understands just about everything that we say to her, although I would have said this about for a while now.  We are always amazed at everything she knows and understands. 

Book reading continues to be a favorite activity.  She also loves babies and animals, and she squeels with delight when she sees either one and likes to give them kisses.  She likes those jumbo/chunky toddler puzzles and can do them without any help.  She loves running around the house with her brother and laughing with delight as he chases her.  She also loves baths (and water in general) and likes playing with pretend food.  At 21 months, Eden is potty trained (yay!), although sometimes accidents still happen if she is distracted and playing.  She does well if I remember to ask her periodically if she has to go potty, although she will tell me when she has to go most of the time.

Eden naps once a day in the afternoon.  She is a pretty good eater, although she can be pickier like her brother.  She likes most kid-type food, but is less likely to eat something that I make for the family for dinner.  She doesn't seem to be as much into sweets as her brother.  Eden likes fruit of all kinds, yogurt, pancakes, cheese, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, cottage cheese, and she really likes when daddy gets her a pumpkin muffin from Panera every once in a while.   

Takin' a bath, rock star style!


We take our smoothies seriously around here.

Would you buy a used car from this face?

Yeah, YOU!

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