Wednesday, January 2, 2013

15 Weeks

I am 15 weeks preggo now, and the baby is the size of an orange!  Woo hoo...only 25 more weeks to go. :)  I like to periodically do pregnancy blog updates so I don't forget different things about my pregnancies.  It goes so quickly and it is so easy to forget, so this is one way I can officially document what is going on. 

This pregnancy has been most similar to my pregnancy with Judah, although both of my prengnacies have been pretty similar.  I never officially get "morning sickness", but I tend to just get really exhausted for the first trimester (and sometimes a little nauseaus).  I am just starting to get some energy back, though I do still get tired easily.  This pregnancy has been more challenging (thus far) just for the simple reason that I have two children to look after, which I obviously didn't have before.  As far as cravings go, I want anything sweet.  This could be anything from apples and bananas to chocolate and anything in between.  I also sometimes crave cheese (typically with crackers). :)  I seriously would eat a piece of cake for a meal.  I don't, but I would if I could. :)  I don't think I have felt any movement from the baby yet.  I am guessing that we are having a boy, but, of course, that is just a hunch.  Eric and I have already talked about names.  There are so few that we actually like and feel go with Judah and Eden, but we have one in mind for a boy and nothing yet if it is a girl.  I ask Judah on occassion if he wants another little sister or a little brother, and he always tells me that he wants a little brother.  Eric has said that he is having pregnancy "sympathy" symptoms.  He says that he is tired and hungry all the time.  I think it's funny. :) 

We are so excited (and a little nervous) to be adding another member to our family!  We know that having little ones can be stressful and require lots of time, dedication, and patience, but we also know that there is nothing more worth these sacrifices.  I'll keep the blog posts coming!

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