Sunday, April 1, 2012

Judah Turns 3!!!

My little guy is three!  This year was more fun since this is really the first year that he understands what a birthday is.  He knew that he was having a birthday and that he was turning three, and he knew that birthdays were fun and that he would get cake. :)  We LOVE celebrating birthdays around here, and I really enjoy making the kids feel celebrated and special.  We didn't have an "official" party this year (since Eden is getting her first birthday pary, and I don't have it in me to plan two so close together), so we planned a fun, special day for Judah. 

Eric took the day off of work, and my mom came over in the morning to watch Eden.  Our first stop was Monkey Joes to let Judah jump around, play, and have lots of fun.  Let me first say that it totally slipped my mind that it was spring break.  I guess it didn't cross my mind right away because I don't have any kids in school, but it became apparent as we pulled up (right before it opened) and there were kids already waiting outside to get in.  Eric and I are not typically fans of places like this in general because a) it is (many times) pure craziness with kids running around, typically accompanied by loud screaming (not the most relaxing environment) and b) Judah still needs a bit of assistance to play on/climb many of the slides/playhouses which means that one of us needs to go on/do most things with him which can be tiring.  That being said, we knew the birthday boy would have SO much fun, and that's what is most important, right?  He kept talking about going down the "pirate slide" as one if his favorite activities of the day. :)  Then, we took him out for lunch, where he enjoyed chicken strips and fries as well as a small sundae for dessert (who wouldn't like that!). 

My three-year-old by his birthday door!

Running back and forth through his birthday door

Chocolate chip pancakes and donuts...the birthday breakfast of champtions!

I love his messy smiles!  I think we can all tell that he enjoyed his breakfast.


Crazy fun

Yummy lunch

No, that is not soup.  It is a rather large bowl of ranch dressing for dipping.  What can I say, the boy likes to dip. :)

More sugar, please.

All smiles

We were home in time for a nap, then, after naps, he opened up some presents at home.  Around dinner time, we headed over to Grandad and Grammie's house for more birthday celebrating including a pizza dinner, cake and ice cream, and some more presents! 

Let's get this party started!

Someone wanted to join in on the birthday fun.

There is plenty to go around. :)

The birthday boy's delicious cake.

This was his reaction to us singing happy birthday to him

Let's blow out some candles!

Mine, all mine!

Another round of presents

This golf club set was by far his favorite gift! 

One more

A guitar!  Actually, it is a Ukulele, which is more his size, but he thinks it's a guitar.  This was his second favorite gift!

Little sis wants in on some of the action, too.

What a full day of celebrating it was, and Judah had a lot of fun. We have been truly blessed these past 3 years to be entrusted with such a smiley fun-loving little boy, and we look forward to many many more birthday celebrations with our little guy. 

Oh, and sometimes I like to look back at pictures of my kids and see how they have grown, so here is Judah enjoying his birthday cake for his first birthday, second birthday, and third birthday.

I know the Sponge Bob hat is random, but we didn't buy any birthday hats, and my mom happened to have these at her house...don't ask.

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