Friday, April 20, 2012

12 Months

Well, it happened...Eden turned one!  This past year has really seemed to pass by quickly, even more so the second time around.  Eden makes us laugh all the time.  She likes to shake her head "no", which of course we think is so funny (well, at least for now).  She has what we refer to as "crazy hair" when she gets up in the morning, which is also good for a laugh. 

She also blows kisses and will give us a kiss on the lips if we ask for one.  Eden has been a really great eater in the past, but she has turned into a more picky eater, which has been slightly very disappointing.  I am hoping that it is just a phase and that she will go back to eating better in the near future.  Currently, her favorite things to eat are fruit of any kind and chicken nuggets.  Most other things she spits out. :)  She currently has three teeth, but her top front two are breaking through. 

She and Judah are very cute together, but Eden has gotten more "verbal" about her dislikes regarding her brother.  She is sure to cry or whine if Judah does anything that bothers her.  Judah on the other hand, does not always get the hint, so he continues to wrestle her, take her toy, sit on her, etc. until she is in a full blown cry.  This is a daily occurance.  On a more postitive note, she loves to follow Judah around the house and lets out big laughs when he is being goofy or just playing around.  No walkling yet, but we will get there soon.  Judah was not quick to do these things either, so I am not as worried as I was with Judah.

Eden is not a cuddly baby in the slightest sense, but she likes to he held often (if that makes sense), especially if she is upset or crabby.  She is frequently tugging on my leg to tell me she wants me to hold her, but try to rock with her or cuddle her and she will have none of that.  Her personality is not as forthcoming as her brother's was.  What I can say is that she is on the more emotional side (surprise, surprise).  She can be fiesty, too (then again, we redheads often are). :)  She loves to chat, and she can get loud, too.  I think we could potentially have our hands full with this one, but we wouldn't have it any other way. :)  We are so very blessed to have our sweet little girl, and she enriches our life so much.  How blessed we are to have her. 


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