Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cute Ramblings

Judah has been noticing Eden more now that she is getting a little bigger, and as a result, he has been interacting with her a little more.  He continues to like to kiss her and give her hugs, but now he is actually "asking" for her at certain times.  This makes for some cute moments.  When we are gettting ready to go somewhere and I take him out to the car, he always points to the seat next to him and says "sister, sister?" or "baby, baby?" to make sure that I am not forgetting her inside.  And some mornings when he sits down for breakfast, he points to the bumbo seat sitting on the table and says "chair baby", asking me to put her in her seat so that he can see her while he eats.  He did that this morning and it was so sweet to see him smiling at her and to watch her smile back at him.  He would smile at her, she would smile back, and then he would look at me and laugh, as if to say "Look Mom, I got her to smile!". 

Recently, we put them in the same room for bedtime.  Eden typically sleeps in our guest bathroom (yes, the bathroom) in a pack n' play, but we wanted to clean the bathroom and didn't want her to be exposed to the smell of the cleaning supplies, so we decided to try to put her to bed in Judah's room.  We did this a couple nights, since Judah seemed to like it and would point to the crib and say "baby", asking us to put her in her crib.  One night, we put them to bed and Eden was fussing a bit.  We heard Judah talking and turned the monitor up to hear what he was saying.  He was talking to Eden saying, "Uh-oh...uh-oh....okay, okay, okay...mommy, daddy....okay baby, okay...uh-oh...okay..."  It was so cute.  He was speaking in a very calm voice, and we could just picture him standing up in his crib leaning over trying to calm her down. 

It makes me so happy to see Judah warm up to her more and more, and I can also start to tell that Eden is enjoying him, too.  I know these will be only a few of the many cute moments to come as they grow up together.     

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