Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sharin' the love

There have been so many things that I have wanted to write about since bringing Eden how I have discovered that you can love two children just as much as one, or how Judah seems so much bigger now that we have a baby at home, or that he has seemed to develop leaps and bounds in the last few days, or that we have made more "exceptions" around the house than we would like to admit (like watching more videos than we normally would and eating donuts for breakfast).

I think the thing that sticks out the most is how affectionate Judah has been with Eden.  We weren't sure what this adjustment would be like for him, but he hasn't stopped lovin' on her since we came home.    He literally walks up to her and kisses her all throughout the day.  The first day we were home, he was reaching for her and said "hold her".  He sat on the couch for a while just holding her, looking at her, and kissing her on the head.  It is one of the sweetest things I have seen.  We still have to watch him with her since he does not completely understand how gentle he has to be with her, and we have discoverd that he likes to give her blankets (which he sometimes puts on her head or over her face), but he still likes to hold her, touch her hair, kiss her on the head or mouth, and look at her fingers and toes.  So, here are some pictures of Judah sharin' the love.  I think I have taken a picture of them together every day since we have been home. :) 

Judah's first introduction to Eden at home.
 Trying to kiss her

 Kiss, kiss

 This was taken this morning in their jammies...Eden looks terrified. :)

I know that there will be many moments as they grow where they are fighting and getting on each others nerves, but for now I am enjoying these special moments!

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