Monday, April 18, 2011

Pretend Photographer

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to take pictures.  I love to experiment with my camera or just play around taking pictures of the kids.  But just to clarify, I am NOT a professional photographer.  I have never taken a photo class.  I don't have backdrops, lighting, props, or photoshop.  Even though I love playing around with my camera, there is still so much about it that I don't know.  That being said, I decided to pretend I was a "professional" photographer and take pictures of Eden the other day.  I had to get a little creative since I don't have backdrops or anything, but I had so much fun.  Here are some photos from our mini photo shoot. :)

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I LOVE all her hair pretties (no surprise, there!) And, you totally could get paid for your photographs, in my opinion. =)
