Monday, February 6, 2012

9 Month Pictures

Here are Eden's 9 month pictures!  We typically have a little bit of a hard time getting her to smile for her professional pictures.  She smiles all the time at home, but for some reason, she doesn't like to cooperate when we get her in the studio.  For her 6 month pictures, I anticipated this and had Eric come with us so he could make her smile (she likes to smile for him), so we did get some good ones with smiles then.  This time, we REALLY had a hard time getting her to smile (should have brought Eric with!).  As a matter of fact, we had to try on two different occassions since we were not having much luck the first time.  Oh, I was acting like a crazy person trying to get her to smile, and she just looked at me like I was, well, crazy.  I guess she just has a more cautious personality (especially in new environments), which is different from her brother who would smile if you just looked at him funny.  Anyway, we did manage to get a few (thank you, Sylver!) despite my little serious girl. 

 This was Eden's photo shoot, but Sylver offered to take a few pics of Judah while we were there, and I am so glad that she did!  Here are a couple of my little man.

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