Saturday, November 5, 2011

7 Months

Has it really been 7 months already?  The months just seem to go by faster and faster (I'm always telling Eden and Judah to slow down a bit, but they never listen).  Eden cracks us up more than ever now.  After she turned 6 months old, her personality came out more than we had seen before.  She loves to "talk" and chat, chat, chat, and she can get loud...very very loud.  Of course, this is slightly different than our experience with Judah, but does that really surprise anyone?  She continues to hate being on her tummy, even still.  She has not rolled from her back to her stomach yet (although she has come close), and I think it is because she has absolutely no desire to be on her stomach.  When she is on her stomach she can fully extend her arms pushing up, but she is usually crying within 20 seconds.  When on her back, she uses her legs to push herself back and scoot, which is funny to watch.  She also likes to rock back and forth a lot while sitting or in her excersaucer. 

Eden is one determined girl.  When she sees something she wants (which is really everything), she tries to reach it with all of her might.  Seriously, she will reach and reach and reach for anything at any time.  She grabs anything within her reach, including our faces which we have to be careful of.  She has grabbed and pulled Judah's hair a couple of times and even made him cry once....that girl has some strength.  Judah wasn't like this as much as he was more content just to chill out.  She is nursing about 4 times a day and eating pureed foods 2-3 times a day, but I am planning to drop a nursing soon, so she will be nursing and eating three times a day.  She sleeps 12 hours at night and takes a good morning and afternoon nap, so she is generally a good sleeper.  I look forward to seeing more and more of my sweet little girl's personality as she grows!  Here are some more goofy shots of our crazy little girl. :)


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