Thursday, June 30, 2016

New Park

We checked out another splash park in town this week. I know I've said this before, but one of my favorite things is capturing the kids just having fun. I love capturing the looks of joy on their faces. when they aren't even aware that I am taking a picture. Of course, this isn't the case many times (sometimes the "smile for mommy" pictures are necessary), but it's nice when it happens. For me, seeing the joy in the simple things is a good reminder. Also, I have a feeling they won't be this cute when they are teenagers, so I'll take the opportunity to capture them at this age while I can. :)

One of Eden's strengths is her imagination. This is Eden "pretending" at the park. She plays by herself and just makes believe different scenarios and acts them out. She enjoys doing this for quite a while! It is so cute to watch her different expressions as she talks to herself. Afterwards, I asked her what she was pretending, and she said she was pretending she was married.

She's talking to someone...her "husband" perhaps?